Our first project was launched in June 2016 in collaboration with SOS Malta, a leading NGO with decades of experience in assisting people around the world through projects of a social and charitable nature.
Through this initiative Romy Foods is currently providing 2,000 daily meals to children attending primary schools in Jinja, in the Buikwe District of Uganda.
In line with Romy Foods’ global expansion, we strive to grow these numbers and A Meal for A Meal global food programme as more meals are sold worldwide through the Romy Foods System.
“How wonderful to see the excitement about having a cup of porridge and to understand that with ‘A Meal for A Meal’ Uganda will have better students not going hungry again.” Claudia Taylor East said while being on the ground at the schools, during the launch of the project. “Together with Romy Foods we have managed to create a community amongst the people, knowing that they are being supported by so many hundreds of Romy Foods customers.” She then added.
Rickard Gillblad, Romy Foods CEO and founder states: “At Romy Foods we take our Global Food Program very seriously. Through A Meal for A Meal we have defined our commitment to help reduce world famine.”