No Poverty

Goal 1, No poverty and Goal 2, Zero Hunger

By allowing the poorest children to have a steady meal every school day, we contribute towards no poverty and zero hunger.


Goal 4, Quality Education

Being able to study when suffering from hunger is a challenge. The quality of the education is not only based on the teacher’s competence or the access to books, pens and paper, but in the children’s ability to take in, process and absorb what they are taught. Our school meals are contributing towards quality education as a free meal every day is a vital part for them to be able to learn.


Goal 5, Gender Equality

We have learnt that female attendance rates have been low due to other priorities within poor families such as household chores like fetching water from far away. A robust warm meal available every day in school, has contributed to increased female attendance rates.


Goal 10, Reduced inequalities

Basic primary school education is necessary to be able to grow and compete on equal conditions. A Meal for A Meal is providing support towards a good start in life for those who need it the most, which reduces the gap between them and privileged children in the industrialised world.


Goal 17, Partnership for the goals.

The partnership between Romy Foods and NGOs in relation to A Meal for A Meal programme is a perfect example of a partnership contributing towards the SDGs.


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